• How do I get started in your live environment?

    1) Make sure you first register with the FCA and enrol with the Open Banking Directory. We can’t register any unenrolled organisation.

    2) Next, you will need to register your application with us. We only support application registration (onboarding) through APIs – there’s no manual process for this. You’ll need to use the POST /register API.

    3) When successful you will receive your client information, which you can then use this to identify your application in all future Open Banking service requests. This information is important and must be held securely and not be shared with anyone.

  • Sandbox test accounts

    Details of sandbox users can be found on our Sandbox guide (PDF).

  • Live test accounts

    If you need test accounts for live proving, please contact us through the support page and we will try to assist.

  • Having trouble onboarding?

    Make sure your scope and response type are wrapped in brackets [] e.g. [ "accounts" ]

    You do not need to specify "openid" in the list of scopes. This scope will be applied by default and may result in a "Scopes requested are not valid" error should you include it.

    If you're still have problems please contact us using the form on the support page.

  • Having trouble calling the Authorize endpoint?

    Currently your scope must only contain either accounts or payments E.g. ‘openid accounts’. If you specify both then this will fail. We are currently working on a fix for this.

    Please make sure you specify an ‘Exp’ value and the ‘Aud’ is set to the token_endpoint in openid-configuration in request object.

    Please specify the state and the nonce value from the request object in the consent URL.

  • What APIs are available?

    Please view our API Catalogue for more information.

  • How do I deregister one of my apps or delete my account?

    You can deregister an app or your entire account by sending a request form the contact form on our support page. We will provide confirmation once it has been processed.

  • Which signing algorithm can I use?

    We will only accept requests signed with the PS256 signing algorithm in both the live and Sandbox services. Our payloads and ID Tokens will be signed using PS256.

  • What account types are supported by The Cumberland Open Banking APIs?
    Personal Current Accounts and Business Current Accounts.